Wednesday, October 14, 2009

This past weekend was fall break. It's supposed to be a time to catch up if you are behind, or to relax or travel if you need to wind down. I was supremely lazy; I should stop fooling myself that I am going to get much done. It's just too hard to sit for hours reading papers and writing about them. Mainly I sat around, cooking, eating, reading things for fun, laying down. And I laid in bed for at least an hour after I got up. I meditated, but I also read and then just lay there. That's always been my natural inclination in the morning. Then I have to leave, before I get too bored and my head starts to hurt (from boredom?). It's been a pattern for years.

Ultimately, I would prefer living in a bigger place (city) than here because there are more distractions. Distractions from what? Distractions from who? I guess, myself. Honestly, it works in the short-term (distractions and feeling better).

But it's not my situation, so I am trying to take on the mind-set of choosing to enjoy what there is. Like when it was raining and my sister was here. Instead of "Oh no, it's cloudy and grey and there is nothing to do inside," we ran outside, jumping in puddles, going up to the lookout spot, running in circles. It was so much fun.

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