Monday, October 12, 2009

(Image from

I got a new green from my CSA! I mostly like it because it's pretty, but it has a nice flavor, too. More bite than some greens, but not as spicy as arugula. \\
The first time I bought arugula, I didn't know much. I was trying to make a green juice like I had gotten at the coop's juice bar, and I used arugula, thinking it was like any other green. What a nasty surprise that was! So I have a bad impression of arugula from that juicing incident.

We're going home for Thanksgiving, after all. That should be fun! My grandmother's also gotten interested in Dr. McDougall's vegan, low-fat cooking, so we will have a delicious, vegan-friendly contingent! As much as I don't like to stick to any sort of diet, I have to honestly say my preferred way of eating is pretty close to what he prescribes. I know many people do better with higher fat than he recommends, and low-fat is not so popular these days, but my preference is an honest aesthetic one :)

The contrast of the sky with the leaves is amazing. Even the grey days don't bother me, especially if I have music. One day I shouldn't need headphones to drown out my mind... but for now it is very uplifting to trek up the hill with music. Whether cloudy or sunny, every day the colors blow my mind.

1 comment:

  1. that's great your grandma can do vegan-friendly. mine can't even make meatless tomato sauce. I am so glad you're coming to visit! what is the name of your new green?

    I like that you follow an aesthetic diet. real food is rather beautiful... although maybe not so much my oatmeal. I heard cooked oatmeal can make excellent fake zombie flesh if applied correctly, but it would a little sad to waste it.

    music is good for humans, I like that you are using it, but it's important to be able to quiet your own mind too.
