Friday, August 14, 2009

quick update

I was outside all day today, counting and cutting weeds from measured, randomized areas of the fields. The fog in the morning gradually gave way to fierce sun, and we were out there for it. It's hard work, but I still appreciate being out there. The quietness has grown on me. It's gentle and low stress. The transition from city to town was long and painful, but finally I appreciate it and the city seems stressful. People don't yell at me here, I don't have to be on guard, and there's lots of green space. It's also nice to be so close to our food source. Sweet corn and melon is in season now! No melon on the research farm, but sweet corn will be coming.

I also hosted a kim chee workshop (not taught by me--but I got some kim chee) this week.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know yet myself if this is true. But I have been been told that very often when we are away from home for an extended period of time.. we spend a lot of energy thinking about the things we miss from home and over-idealizing it in our minds.

    But what we don't realize is that throughout the whole process we are changing. And then once we do finally return home, we suddenly realize that it is not the place that we had remembered it to be.. because we have changed.

    Maybe this is the case for you. Maybe when you return to the city, you will find yourself changed by having spent so much time in the country. And maybe you will come to realize that you even prefer it...
