Sunday, December 6, 2009

Classes ended and I hardly noticed, because there is enough to do. The thought of all there is to do is more paralyzing than actually doing it, but knowing that doesn't change it for me. It just adds another thing to the list: 1) overcome paralyzing anxiety over all the things I have to do.
On the other hand, I have more time, since I'm not in classes. I am being sure to enjoy that. Last night, we went to a party and they had a video game system with a game called "Rock Band" (I think). It was fun, and reminded me how much I miss playing an instrument. I only ever played the cello, and they're pretty expensive to own for a casual hobby. I have to think about how else I can integrate that into my life. The big secret about playing or making music is that it is *much* more fun than listening to it. Even a song you love, is that much more enjoyable for the person creating it (assuming it's not a worn-out pop song, I suppose). I do have a djembe that I could learn how to play sometime... would be a riot.

R has been networking a lot lately, meeting new people with similar interests; mainly, the "green" industry. It's a bizarre scene. Plenty of people are just in it for the money, some are really into it and rightfully cynical, others are so naive about the opportunities that they fail to see how many will cut corners for a label. It will be interesting to see how it all plays out, in general. Will it make any sort of impact, in this age of destruction? Is something better than nothing? Or are the greedy corrupting whatever is left? I hope some good comes out of it.

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