Sunday, January 24, 2010

The organic conference was fun--it was a much better energy than the other conference I was at earlier this month. Good people, good ideas. I'm not sure why there are always some bizarre ideas at any alternative-type event, though. I guess "alternative" encompasses a wide variety of alternatives. Some of the things from biodynamics sounds pretty made-up, and the raw milk-meat-lard people love to cherry-pick studies (picking apart certain studies but holding tight to very old, poorly done studies). At least people are trying to stretch themselves, I suppose.

Being back in Ithaca is rather boring. Classes start tomorrow, which takes away from the humdrum routine of data analysis. I should use the crayons I got for my birthday and draw something with bright colors....

1 comment:

  1. I agree about biodynamics. I tried being open-minded about it but it kind of when out the window with all the other bizarre food & nutrition things I had been told. I don't think any "beliefs" belong in an academic/scientific realm.
