Saturday, January 30, 2010

I have a problem with boredom here, and it is worse now that we have had a few days of bitter cold--just a few degrees above zero, and not bright and sunny like when I was in MN. I suppose I would be bored anywhere, with it being so cold like this. I don't want to read or write or draw or watch movies, I want to walk around and see different interesting things. That is one of my favorite things to do.

A friend (admittedly strange) said he couldn't imagine being bored. There are so many possible things to do in life. I agreed that that is a great way of seeing things. But I just don't.

I have been trying to not force myself to learn life lessons lately, to just go about my day and let them come to me. It's much more natural and avoids being self-punishing or forcing. So I have lots of thoughts that I'm letting congeal on their own.... it's the kind of thing that has to stew. One thing I continue to think about is different points of view, how everyone is kind of right in their own way. I guess the question is, what are the practical implications? Are people hurt by this? Context may be key... I don't have any specific examples right now, but this question of viewpoints comes up quite a bit at my school in different debates. I think about it-- how can someone view something so differently from me? I want to understand, because though I still may not agree, I will have more compassion when I see *why* someone thinks what they do. It is never so simple as "They are stupid". People think what they think for a reason, usually an instant reaction. That is why yoga is about transcending patterns/karma. Without a special practice, all a person can do is react over and over and get themselves stuck in the same kind of messes.

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