Friday, February 26, 2010

snow day!

It's snowed about a foot and they canceled morning classes at Cornell. Many other workshops/classes in town were canceled too. So I would have to say, no, it doesn't snow much in Ithaca if they are canceling classes because of snow.

As the study I'm in, I'll be getting a fat biopsy on my hip and taking an oral glucose tolerance test. I know about this from my nutrition days--you come in fasted (12 hours--not a big deal if done in the morning) and drink 100 g (400 calories worth) of a glucose solution. Then your blood glucose gets monitored for two hours afterwards, so see how sensitive you are. In this case, sensitivity is a good thing--it means you are responsive to glucose hormonally, so your body deals with it properly. Insensitivity can mean you are headed towards type II diabetes or PCOS. I really don't want to do it (I can't stand sugary drinks), but I'm really curious to see the results. They normally wouldn't give this to a woman my age unless she was pregnant (gestational diabetes is usually screened for).

I went to yoga yesterday, Forrest yoga, and there was a lot of belly work. I realize my core strength needs to be built back up. At the same time, I noticed my belly was soft, and I liked that. It's comforting. I read a book about yoga abs once. It said core strength is important for supporting your body, but the stomach should not be tight like we are used to seeing as the ideal. Tight stomach means tightly-held emotions. it should be soft and relaxed, and as long as it is strong, it doesn't matter how much fat is on the belly. It should truly be worked from the inside, giving time for emotions to come out as they will.

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